help us #getmoneyout:
This stamp was created in partnership with the New Hampshire Rebellion (link). NHR was started by Larry Lessig, a Harvard Professor and Founder of MAYDAYPac, a citizens group determined to elect members of Congress that support legislation to get money out of politics. The New Hampshire Rebellion kicked off with a walk the length of New Hampshire in the middle of January to celebrate the lives of Aaron Swartz, a young internet activist, and Granny D, the 89 year old grandmother who walked across the United States in a call for Campaign Finance Reform.
The New Hampshire Rebellion is focused on using the occasion of New Hampshire’s first in the nation Presidential Primary to advance the cause of Getting Money Out of Politics. The fine print on this stamp says “” and “#NHR”
This is a no external ink pad required self inking desk stamp. It uses an internal ink pad and a spring action so that it reinks automatically after each use.
Sold out.